4.0 Critical Incidents that occurred in the past:
4.1 Critical incidents that affected Nike:
Nike, Inc. had gone through various incidents which had an impact on their success. According toDermesropian, Drage, Grigaite and Lopez (2004,p.3) in 1972, Nike persuaded marathon runners atOlympic Tracks to wear their shoes which was an innovative strategy as it resulted in strong advertisingwhen some of the runners were the top finishers and popularity of Nike continued to grow throughout the70s. In 1979 Nike had 50% of the US running shoe market. In 1988 Nike introduced their famous slogan‘Just do it’ and acquired a company called Cole Haan. They sponsored many famous athletes such asMichael Jordan, a famous basketball player and Tiger Woods, an excellent young golf player. During1992 Nike acquired Canstar sports which included the hockey equipment maker Bauer and opened itsfirst Niketown store. In early 1995 Nike acquired a license to put its logo on NFL uniforms whichresulted in strong marketing.