It seems that they can't just sit wherever. Having said that though, it's pretty hard to rank them in social importance, huh? At least Badigadi is the most important as a Demon King incumbent, but below him are Ariel, Zanoba, Rinia and Pursena. As they're all royalty, they'll all fuss over their appropriate seating.
Cliff also seems like he'll complain if he gets too low a seat but... He has undergone this kind of education. It might unexpectedly be fine. Moreover, as long as he's sitting next to Elinalise, he probably won't have any problems.
Since Julie is a slave she'd be at the end of the table, but she'd be pitiful if we separated her from Zanoba. She's still a child who isn't good with talking after all. Since she's my direct disciple, I wonder, if I can make it work somehow.
"How high, socially, are Ariel-sama's attendants?"
"Umm, they're middle-ranking nobles.