This allows “remote assistance” which is ext remely he lpful in, fo r e xamp le, emergency situations where the
911 operator can send easy-to-understand instructions on how to perform first aid . Glass also supports language
processing, including real time translation of spoken text into a wide variety of languages. Future appliances might
include Glassware capable of translating spoken text into subtitles which would be extremely helpful for people
suffering from hearing impairments. But aside from natural languages, Glass might even be able to communicate
with machines in the future, extending the user interface or displaying instructions on how to use a specific function
of the device . Glassware could be paired with televisions and consoles in order to display additional information
while watching your favorite show or playing a game. In theory, the communication with existing payment services
such as Google Wallet, Paypal and iDEAL is possible as well, although this might be a bad idea concerning the
current hackability of Glass.