Have you ever heard the tecommndation about having a cup of uogurt a day devolop your digestion? Do you have any opinion with this suggestion? Please explain.
If you can choose between having a good boyfriend or girlfriend who is poor and having a bad boyfriend or girlfriend who is rich, which one would you choose and why?
Do you think everybody should learn match at school? Why or why not? Please give some reasons to support your answer.
What would your attitude be, if your parents gave you the budget to decorate your own room in any style ypu want, but you have to do all the work by yourself?
Are teenagers today too concerned about brand name images, or should they create their own street style using cheaper local goods?
If you can choose between having a new mobile phone and new laptop, which one would you choose? Why?
If your parents offer to give you one option between 1) 20,000 THB and a samsung hero phone and 2) an iphone 6 plus, which option would you choose? Why?
Do you like or dislike match? Why?