And when Ji Wu Jiu adds himself into this case, then it got even messier. Actually Ji Wu Jiu did not only use Fang Xiu Qing to control Ye Xiu Ming, but is actually wary of Fang Xiu Qing as well, if not to chase away a minister and to raise a minister himself, for fun?
Thinking about the relationship between the three of them makes Ye Zhen Zhen headache. The three most clever people in the country are busy fighting against each other, every sentence or glance also seems to have a hidden meaning, even thinking about it sounds scary.
Ye Zhen Zhen consoled old madam a few words and changed the topic to another direction. Madam Lu, then spoke about her brother, which was Lu Li’s Father, he recently was required to go to Dun Huang to settle the rebellions there, talking about the conditions of the warfare there, where the opponents are not good in war, but good in escaping, so there was not much that has been done now. Lu Li’s father is someone who has much experience in the warfare, so he was personally chosen by Ji Wu Jiu to handle this matter at Dun Huang. Upon hearing this Ye Zhen Zhen came to realize, why Ji Wu Jiu only demoted Su Jie Yu even though she made such a big mistake, it seems that her father is left to take care of the borders, so he can’t punish the daughter to harshly. She initially thought he didn’t want to harm pretty girls.
Also thinking back on how Ji Wu Jiu’s attitude towards Wang Zhao Yi’s miscarriage, in her heart she concludes that, that person really lost his heart while being the emperor.