The preponderance of “Yahweh” in Biblical studies
Most Christians don’t know that God’s name is Yahweh or similar, or that He even has a name. The ignorance of God’s name is unacceptable given that the name occurs 6,828 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. The ignorance is puzzling given that many academic works regularly use the name “Yahweh” or “YHWH” in their biblical and theological discussions. For example, the exact word “Yahweh” occurs 2287 times in International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1246 times in Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible, 2363 times in Understanding the Bible Old Testament Commentary, and 2090 times in United Bible Societies Old Testament Hand-books. It should be noted that these are conservative Bible authorities, lest we glibly dismiss “Yahweh” as a fabrication of liberal scholarship or Christian sects.