At
last
King
Lion
called
a
meeting
of
the
animals.
They
came
and
sat
down,
pem,
pem,
pem,
around
a
council
fire.
Mother
Owl
did
not
come,
so
the
antelope
was
sent
to
fetch
her.
When
she
arrived,
King
Lion
asked,
“Mother
Owl,
why
have
you
not
called
the
sun?
The
night
has
lasted
long,
long,
long,
and
everyone
is
worried.”
Mother
Owl
said,
“Monkey
killed
one
of
my
owlets.
Because
of
that,
cannot
bear
to
wake
the
sun.”
The
kind
said
to
the
gathered
animals:
“Did
you
hear?
It
was
the
monkey
who
killed
the
owlet‐
And
now
Mother
Owl
won’t
wake
the
sun
So
that
the
day
can
come.”
Then
King
Lion
called
the
monkey.
He
came
before
him
nervously
glancing
from
side
to
side,
rim,
rim,
rim,
rim.
“Monkey,”
said
the
king,
“why
did
you
kill
on
of
Mother
Owl’s
babies?”
“Oh,
King,”
said
the
monkey,
“it
was
the
crow’s
fault.
He
was
calling
and
calling
to
warn
us
of
danger.
And
went
leaping
through
the
trees
to
help.
limb
broke
under
me,
and
it
fell
taaa
on
the
owl’s
nest.”
The
king
said
to
the
council:
“So,
it
was
the
crow
who
alarmed
the
monkey,
who
killed
the
owlet‐
and
now
Mother
Owl
won’t
wake
the
sun
so
that
the
day
can
come.”