Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is the real world dinosaur which Spinosaurus aquareliga is based upon. Early fossil discoveries of Spinosaurus were extremely fragmentary, and paleontologists reconstructed the dinosaur's appearance using bones from similar species (this was a common practice in paleontology, the original Triceratops specimen was reconstructed using parts from over a dozen similar animals). These early specimens lacked the pelvic region and hind limbs, which lead to scientists giving the reconstruction hind legs and a stance similar to other theropod dinosaurs. Recent, more complete fossil discoveries have including the missing pelvic region and hind limbs, showing that they were far too short to support the creature fully on two legs. This has lead many paleontologists to believe that Spinosaurus walked on all fours while on land, 'knuckle-walking' like many modern day apes, or spent the majority of it's time in an aquatic lifestyle like most modern crocodilians. Spinosaurus aegytiacus was the largest land carnivore ever to exist in terms of length and possibly weight.
The "aquareliga" part of the Spinosaurus's scientific name literally translates to "Water ruler".