As the dihedral angle between the methyl groups approaches 0(องศา), an energy maximum is reached at a second eclipsed conformation. Because the methyl groups are forced even closer together than in the gauche conformation, both torsional strain and steric strain present. A total strain energy of 19 kJ/mol (4.5 kcal/mol) has been estimated for this conformation, making it possible to calculate a value of 11 kJ/mol (2.6kcal/mol) for the CH3 --- CH3 eclipsing interaction : total strain of 19 kJ/mol less the strain of two H---H eclipsing interactions (2 x 4.0 kcal/mol) equals 11 kJ/mol.
After 0 , the rotation becomes a mirror image of what we’ve already seen: another gauche conformation is reached, another eclipsed conformation, and finally a return to the anti conformation. A plot of potential energy versus rotation about the the C2-C3 bond is shown in Figure 3.9