A rapid assessment of burial age for sedimentary materials is useful to aid in-situ interpretation of sites
and sequences during fieldwork. This can assist with targeted field sampling strategies for full dating
back in the laboratory, for example when the study is concerned with reconstructing landscape dynamics
during a specific time period. Field-based luminescence measurements are possible using a portable
luminescence reader; the challenge is translating relative portable luminescence reader signal intensities
of samples into an estimate of age. This study uses a portable luminescence reader for the first time in the
analysis of African dunefield sediments. Samples from the Namib Sand Sea (NSS) with established
luminescence ages are used to assess what in-situ information about relative sample age can be gleamed
at and between sites using the portable luminescence reader, and to establish whether first-order estimates
of sample age can be obtained. Two sites in the NSS, which are of modern, very late Holocene and
last interglacial age were selected for this assessment and a simple calibration between portable luminescence
reader signals and sample age is made. Results show that portable luminescence reader signals
differ by over two orders of magnitude between late Holocene and last interglacial age samples and that
useful relative-age information can be established using bulk material in the field. Predicted ages from
portable luminescence reader signals using a linear regression appear to be indicative and useful. Further
development of this calibration using a wider range of sample ages would confirm its applicability in the
NSS, and a similar approach is applicable to other sand sea environments.