Other Best Practices to be Implemented for BPS
• We need to document the rationale for why Client and Engagement Risk is Normal when completing our DRMS cases. Some sample wording is as follows:
Client Risk – (1) No matters were identified during our acceptance procedures which would elevate the client risk to above a Normal level; or (2) As we have been serving this client in prior years, there have been no matters identified which elevates the client risk level to above a Normal level.
Engagement Risk – as the services being provided for this engagement are standard BPS outsourcing/contract personnel offerings, the engagement risk is classified as Normal.
• We need to maintain a client folder on our BPS shared drive for each Outsourcing client we serve. Under each client folder, we should have sub-folders for each month, quarter and/or annual period that we provide services to the client (for example, a sub-folder named May 2016 which will include the services we provide to that client in the month of May). In each client sub-folder, we need to maintain all the support/evidence for the particular services we provide during that period. As an example if we provide VAT compliance services to a client for the month of May 2016, we should include the following in the May 2016 sub-folder for the client: (I) copy of the final VAT return filed; (II) copy of the receipt obtained from the Revenue Department showing the VAT return was filed; (III) a copy of the e-mail from the client indicated they approved the VAT return for filing; (IV) a copy of the signed off Review Checklist for the VAT compliance services; and (V) any other supporting documents related to and necessary to support the VAT return (VAT report, copies of original tax invoices, client correspondence e-mails, etc.).