ROAD ALIGNMENT Adequate sight distance near school exits and entrances is important for safe and efficient traffic operations. If the school site is located on a tangent section of roadway that is relatively flat, then sight distance is typically not an issue. If the site is located along a road with horizontal and/or vertical curvature, then good visibility might be a challenge. An example of this concern is when the queue of vehicles in the parent drop-off zone extends beyond the driveway and vehicles on the adjacent roadway encounter stopped traffic just after rounding a tight horizontal or vertical curve.
Other guidance regarding alignment includes: All roads within the school site should have a maximum grade of 5 percent to avoid configurations that could impair a motorist’s vision. The location of driveways, buildings, landscaping, fences, block walls, and the school signs that typically mark the main entrance must permit adequate sight distances for drivers and pedestrians. The placement of the pedestrian crossing, along with the signs and markings selected for the crossing, should consider the existing horizontal and vertical curves on the approaches to the crossing.