As shown in , the results concerned with the average are good
because the criterion is over 3.5. In addition, the results concerned with standard
deviation are also good because they are below 2.0. Therefore, there is no
problem in contents validity.
(2) Sampling and Methods of Data Collection
The population of this research is international freight forwarders. A
sample framework was ascertained from a membership list of the Korea
International Freight Forwarder Association. The questionnaires were sent
to the entire population because the number of the members is about 800
firms. The questionnaire was sent to sales managers of the firms. The
reason is that they could reflect the best about their business practice
because they are working in direct contact with customers.
The survey was conducted through mail, email, telephone, fax, and personal
visits. The period of the survey was from June 2011 to September 2011. There
were 224 collected questionnaires. 219 data were used in the analysis because
there were five questionnaires which were improper to use in the analysis.