“We’re here!”
Weed was harvesting herbs on a cliff overlooking the bottom of the mountain, when people came rushing in.
The crowd rushed up the desolate mountain.
Pale, Surka, Irene, Romuna, Hwaryeong, Zephyr!
Unexpectedly, the Geomchis also arrived.
Weed welcomed them and a multitudes of conversations seemed to sweep over him, demanding his attention. Only now, that he was done fighting the Undead Legion, was he ready to talk.
In the middle of the plains, Mapan waited impatiently, as he felt no different from the parties that just arrived. He wanted to hear what had happened.
Mapan immediately came running to hear the story.
“And, so...”
Weed leisurely gathered herbs as he explained.
Just listening to the story about the war against the Undead Legion was exciting. Pale felt like he was on an adventure.
Mapan, having seen the battle first hand, was the envy of all.
“Was the quest successful?”
Pale cautiously asked.
Likewise, Mapan was unsure of the results of the quest since he had seen Weed and Lich Shire dying together.
If the Lich Shire had died even a second before Weed, the quest would have been a success, otherwise, it would have resulted in failure.
Weed’s expression conveyed endless depression.
Loneliness and solitude!
Deep sadness exuded throughout his body.
Even a lovestruck man dumped by his girlfriend wouldn’t look so crestfallen.
“I thought it was okay to ask” Pale apologetically said.
Weed dug into the earth, pulling out herbs, and spoke.
“The items...”
“I lost my chance obtain the all items dropped by the Lich Shire”
Eventhough he had successfully completed an A-rank quest, Weed was a man who would grieve over the inferior Items he hadn’t looted!
‘Weed’s the same as always’
Hwaryeong grinned.
Despite not having seen his friends for such a long time, he diligently harvested herbs in order to make even just one more penny, rather than catch up with them. But that was Weed’s mindset. Even if he acted differently now, he would never change his lifestyle.
Pale and Zephyr quickly jumped into the herbal field.
“Weed, we would like to help.”
However, Weed modestly shook his head.
“No. It is not your job to do this tedious job, it’s mine”
“But still...”
“Just sit there comfortably and watch me.”
The usual Weed would never hesitate to take advantage of other people!
Pale obediently sat down on a large rock after Weed declined his offer to help.
Nevertheless, Hwaryeong and Surka rolled up their sleeves to try and help Weed, but they were stopped.
“This is my job, and I’ll finish it”
Seeing is wanting!
Weed was more worried about the women than the men.
Theoretically, herbs were more coveted by women as it enhances vigor.
“The wind feels great, Master”
“There’s an available spot on this side”
With the stamina enhancing herbs completely cleared out, the Geomchis took a seat on some rocks.
After a while, Weed's bag was filled with bottles of herbs
“Whew, I’m finished. Thanks for waiting for me to finish gathering herbs. I’ll start cooking some rabbit meat stew.”
The news that Weed was going to cook led to cheers.
“Ahem!” Geomchi cleared his throat.
“My throat is parched.”
“As if a knife was shoved down my throat,” Geomchi2 quickly added.
“Weed, we’ll catch a rabbit for the Stew. In the meantime, I hope you can make us something cold to drink with the herbs you harvested.”
“Yes. In fact, I’m going to brew a drink good enough to die for”
“Why don’t you?”
If it’ll makes you feel better, I’ll let you drink as much as you want!
“There are dishes to eat and wine to drink beyond the valley.”
“Won’t our travel be in vain? Wouldn’t it be faster if you start preparing now?”
“Enough said. Alcohol is better drunk cold. Depending on the atmosphere, the original aroma and taste varies greatly. So if you drank it in a relaxed atmosphere from high up in the valley, how much do you think the flavor will differ?”
“Yeah?” Geomchi thought to himself, 'even just one cup would’ve be fine...'
Weed decided to head to the other side of the valley together with his companions. A far distance from the decimated battlefield was a clear, flowing stream, full of fish.
“This will slightly increase my cooking proficiency. Anyway, let me fill the pot up with water from the river”
“Ha, go on then.”
Within sight of his companions, Weed took out a pot and filled it with water from the creek. Then he added the rabbit meat to the pot, and brought it to a boil. Finally he took out a few herbs and seasonings, to create a rich stew.
The food revitalized their tired bodies!
“It’s really delicious.”
The dish Weed cooked was a success.
The rabbit meat stew disappeared as soon as it was ready. The entire group literally waged a war for for the remainder of the soup. The Geomchi’s appetite was merciless! Surprisingly the combined efforts of Pale’s party was overcome. In the end, their master won, and everyone else was fended off.
Weed gave them generous servings
Of course, none of this would be free.
‘One way or another. I will have you guys return the favor.’
In the case of livestock, pigs are raised as an investment and then slaughtered for profit!
“It burns my throat a little.”
He handed Geomchi a cup of alcohol to drink.