We also know that these exaggerated and unique life history features evolved with larger brain size, specifically large
neocortex size, which is also a unique feature among humans. The dominant LHT explaining this emergence is that
our extreme intelligence, as produced through our enlarged neocortex, co-evolved in response to gradual dietary shifts to
high calorie food sources. Throughout the punctuated equilibrium-like bursts in brain size, we find evidence of substantial transitions to exploitation of increasingly diverse and meat-abundant diets. Importantly, the exploitation of these diverse and meat-abundant diets were achieved via the construction of increasingly complex technology.
We also know that these exaggerated and unique life history features evolved with larger brain size, specifically largeneocortex size, which is also a unique feature among humans. The dominant LHT explaining this emergence is thatour extreme intelligence, as produced through our enlarged neocortex, co-evolved in response to gradual dietary shifts tohigh calorie food sources. Throughout the punctuated equilibrium-like bursts in brain size, we find evidence of substantial transitions to exploitation of increasingly diverse and meat-abundant diets. Importantly, the exploitation of these diverse and meat-abundant diets were achieved via the construction of increasingly complex technology.
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