The extraction of safflower red pigment and coloring of wheat
fiber were conducted with the modification method described by
Yoon et al. (2001). The safflower petalwas finely ground with a food
blender in order to easily extract the safflower pigments. The
ground safflower petal was placed in a cheese cloth bag and
washed with water, at the top, for twenty-four hours to remove
safflower yellow pigment, which is water-soluble. To extract safflower
red pigments, which are solubilized in alkali condition, the
washed safflower petal was added to ten volumes (v/w) of 0.1 N
potassium carbonate solution (K2CO3) and stirred for twenty-four
hours. To eliminate the petal, the extract solution passes through
2e3 layers of cheese cloth, and pH of the extracts solution (yellow
color) was adjusted with 0.1Macetic acid solution until pH 5.5e5.7
to red color of expression. And then, the colored wheat fiber was
prepared as follows; the wheat fiber (WF) was colored with the
safflower red pigment solution (1:10 ratio) and stirred for 12 h.
After coloring, the wheat fiber colored with safflower red pigments
(WFC) in the solution was separated with centrifugation at 6000 g
for 15 min at 4 C, and the supernatant was discarded and the residues was collected. The residues obtained were dried in a 50 C
hot-air dryer (Enex-Co-600, Enexs, Korea) for twenty-four hours.
The dried residues were powdered using a food blender, and the
powder was passed through the 270 mesh testing sieves. The WFC
collected was used to manufacture cooked sausages (Fig. 1).