This paper presents a bridgeless CUk converter-fed
brushless DC (BLDC) motor drive for air conditioning
applications with inverter technology, The inverter technology
is the latest evolution in technology, which is used in the
compressor motors of air conditioners, In air conditioning
system, an inverter is used to control the speed of the
compressor motor, so as to continuously regulate the
temperature, In this motor drive, Cuk converter operating in
discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) is used for the
power factor (PF) improvement and improved power quality
(PQ) at the AC mains, This bridgeless converter topology is
designed for obtaining low conduction losses with a minimum
number of components and requirement of low size of the heat
sink for the switches, A variable DC link voltage of the
voltage source inverter (VSI) is feeding the BLDC motor for
its speed controL An electronic commutation of BLDC motor
with reduced switching losses can be achieved by the
operation of VSI in fundamental frequency switching (FFS), A
bridgeless configuration of the Cuk converter is derived for
the elimination of front-end diode bridge rectifier (DBR) to
reduce conduction losses in it. Its performance is mainly
suitable for an air conditioning system to operate over a wide
range of speed control with improved power factor at AC
mains, We can control the speed of BLDC motor by using the
control of the Cuk converter output.