In the present study, and independent of oil source, n–3
LC-PUFA supplementation decreased fasting glucose concentrations
in a dose-dependent manner. These observations are in line with previous rodent studies (49), but in humans FO supplementation
has not consistently affected glucose concentrations
(50–53). With regard to serum lipids, feeding mice CO and FO
did not modify TC, HDL-cholesterol, or TG concentrations. The
TG-lowering effect of FOs in both normolipidemic and hypertriglyceridemic
individuals is well documented (54, 55). In
contrast and similar to our results, no differences in plasma TGs
or TC have been reported previously in mice fed low doses of FO
as part of low-fat treatments (56). Significant differences in
lipoprotein profiles and metabolism between rodents and
humans are likely to explain, in large part, the interspecies
differences in responsiveness of serum lipids to EPA and DHA