Calpastatin (CAST) is a specific inhibitor of the ubiquitous calcium-dependent proteases – µ-calpain
and m-calpain, found in mammalian tissues. The level of components included into the calpain-calpastatin
system determine the rate of post mortem tenderization of meat.
In the coding region of the bovine CAST gene (CAST) the new nucleotide sequence polymorphism
was found being a substitution G→C at position 61 nt within the exon 1C (consensus sequence
– GenBank AF117813). This sequence fragment of SNP position has already been deposited in the
GenBank database under accession no. AY258325. Consensus of bovine CAST sequence with that
of human (GenBank M86257 and M28230) revealed that G→C substitution was located at position
1460 nt of exon 12. Computer analysis of the mutation showed the Ser→Thr substitution at position
20 of amino acid sequence of CAST protein. The mutation creates a new AluI restriction site and,
therefore, can be easily detected with PCR-RFLP.
The CAST RFLP-AluI polymorphism was studied in 138 bulls of seven breeds, including the native
Polish Red (PR, preserved), and Polish Black-and-White (BW) breed. The frequency of alleles C and G
varied between the breeds considered, the mean reaching 0.69 and 0.31, respectively. No homozygous
genotype GG was found in Red Angus, Charolaise and Hereford bulls.
*Supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research, grants PBZ-KBN-036/P06/07, P06D 01825
and S/II/26196
Analysis of meat of 84 BW bulls revealed differences between animals of different genotypes. Meat
of GC bulls showed higher cooking loss and was darker in colour than meat of both homozygous
genotypes. Between GC and CC bulls significant difference appeared in the total content of hem pigment
of meat. The message from these results is that CAST gene may probably be considered as a
candidate marker for beef quality.
KEY WORDS: beef / calpastatin / SNP/AluI / tenderization / sensory evaluation
Calpastatin (CAST) is a specific inhibitor of the ubiquitous calcium-dependent proteases – µ-calpainand m-calpain, found in mammalian tissues. The level of components included into the calpain-calpastatinsystem determine the rate of post mortem tenderization of meat.In the coding region of the bovine CAST gene (CAST) the new nucleotide sequence polymorphismwas found being a substitution G→C at position 61 nt within the exon 1C (consensus sequence– GenBank AF117813). This sequence fragment of SNP position has already been deposited in theGenBank database under accession no. AY258325. Consensus of bovine CAST sequence with thatof human (GenBank M86257 and M28230) revealed that G→C substitution was located at position1460 nt of exon 12. Computer analysis of the mutation showed the Ser→Thr substitution at position20 of amino acid sequence of CAST protein. The mutation creates a new AluI restriction site and,therefore, can be easily detected with PCR-RFLP.The CAST RFLP-AluI polymorphism was studied in 138 bulls of seven breeds, including the nativePolish Red (PR, preserved), and Polish Black-and-White (BW) breed. The frequency of alleles C and Gvaried between the breeds considered, the mean reaching 0.69 and 0.31, respectively. No homozygousgenotype GG was found in Red Angus, Charolaise and Hereford bulls.*Supported by the State Committee for Scientific Research, grants PBZ-KBN-036/P06/07, P06D 01825and S/II/26196
Analysis of meat of 84 BW bulls revealed differences between animals of different genotypes. Meat
of GC bulls showed higher cooking loss and was darker in colour than meat of both homozygous
genotypes. Between GC and CC bulls significant difference appeared in the total content of hem pigment
of meat. The message from these results is that CAST gene may probably be considered as a
candidate marker for beef quality.
KEY WORDS: beef / calpastatin / SNP/AluI / tenderization / sensory evaluation
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