The Human Resources (HR) function provides significant support
and advice to line management.
The attraction, preservation and development of high caliber people
are a source of competitive advantage for our business, and are the
responsibility of HR.
Strategic Human Resource Management is done by linking of HRM with strategic goals and
objectives in order to improve business performance and developing organizational cultures that
foster innovation and flexibility. It involves planning HR activities and deployment in such a way
that enable organizations to achieve their goals. Human Resource activities such as recruitment,
selection, training and rewarding personnel are done by keeping in view the company's goals and
objectives. Organizations focuses on identifying, analyzing and balancing two sorts of forces that
is; the organization's external opportunities and threats on one hand and its internal strengths and
weaknesses on the other.
Alignment of the Human Resource system with the strategic goals and objectives of the firm has
facilitated organizations to achieve superb targets. The knowledge of the workers is fully utilized
towards achieving the desired targets. There is a good two-way communication between the top
management and the worker's union.
Organizations believe that the strengths and weaknesses of the company's human resource can
have a determining effect on the viability of the firm's strategic options. They focus on the
provision of the skills and abilities needed to meet the requirements of an organization's overall
objective. Paired comparisons and behavioral checklists should be used for appraisal. Work
planning and review (MBO) can identify goals attained, problems encountered and need for the
training to be realized.
ARM (Attraction, Retention and Motivation) concepts should be used to reward the workers.
They should be provided equity within the organization and there should be focus on individual
need of the workers. Human Resource Management must be an equal partner in the formulation
and implementation of the company's organization wide and competitive strategies. Pay for
performance plans should be focused.
The process of carrying out change is not just about strategies and plans for their delivery; it is
also about relationships between people and the management of workforce diversity in the
context of the changing business environment. The increased emphasis on excellence through
recognition of the individual and the team gives a balanced approach to HR planning pivotal to
overall strategy achievement.
There is a belief that if you tell people what is happening and what is necessary to achieve
excellence, and then they will perform accordingly. Some education strategies have effected
improvement this way but others have foundered because informing and involving people does
not guarantee the desired changes will happen.
The Human Resources (HR) function provides significant support
and advice to line management.
The attraction, preservation and development of high caliber people
are a source of competitive advantage for our business, and are the
responsibility of HR.
Strategic Human Resource Management is done by linking of HRM with strategic goals and
objectives in order to improve business performance and developing organizational cultures that
foster innovation and flexibility. It involves planning HR activities and deployment in such a way
that enable organizations to achieve their goals. Human Resource activities such as recruitment,
selection, training and rewarding personnel are done by keeping in view the company's goals and
objectives. Organizations focuses on identifying, analyzing and balancing two sorts of forces that
is; the organization's external opportunities and threats on one hand and its internal strengths and
weaknesses on the other.
Alignment of the Human Resource system with the strategic goals and objectives of the firm has
facilitated organizations to achieve superb targets. The knowledge of the workers is fully utilized
towards achieving the desired targets. There is a good two-way communication between the top
management and the worker's union.
Organizations believe that the strengths and weaknesses of the company's human resource can
have a determining effect on the viability of the firm's strategic options. They focus on the
provision of the skills and abilities needed to meet the requirements of an organization's overall
objective. Paired comparisons and behavioral checklists should be used for appraisal. Work
planning and review (MBO) can identify goals attained, problems encountered and need for the
training to be realized.
ARM (Attraction, Retention and Motivation) concepts should be used to reward the workers.
They should be provided equity within the organization and there should be focus on individual
need of the workers. Human Resource Management must be an equal partner in the formulation
and implementation of the company's organization wide and competitive strategies. Pay for
performance plans should be focused.
The process of carrying out change is not just about strategies and plans for their delivery; it is
also about relationships between people and the management of workforce diversity in the
context of the changing business environment. The increased emphasis on excellence through
recognition of the individual and the team gives a balanced approach to HR planning pivotal to
overall strategy achievement.
There is a belief that if you tell people what is happening and what is necessary to achieve
excellence, and then they will perform accordingly. Some education strategies have effected
improvement this way but others have foundered because informing and involving people does
not guarantee the desired changes will happen.
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