• Liking ความชอบ
• Definition
- Positive
Frank Beach
Experiment - Beagle Dog
• Factors of Liking
1. Proximity
• -The opportunity to meet with high
- Interaction with time.
- The ability to predict the behavior of others.
- ความคุ้นเคย Familiarity
2. Rewardingness
3. Similarity
: economic , religious , language, occupation, education, Ethnic Group
D. Byrne : The Attraction Paradigm
• Why similarity is influence to liking????? {{
1. Common Behavior and taste
2. The Balance Model
“a theory of cognitive balance”
Similar : feeling , thoughts, beliefs, cognitions
- The need for social comparison
Physical and Social reality
3. Complementarity เสนอสนองกัน
Deficiencies - ส่วนบกพร่อง
A.C. Kerckhoff and K.E. Davis
“Values Consensus and Need Complementarity in Mate Selection”
• Another question from Gregory Stock’s book is this:
• If you were confident that their choice would be a good one, would you be willing to have your parents select your spouse? If not, why not?
• My parents have been married since 1951. Yet I wouldn’t want a marriage like theirs.
• They are too similar, so much that they can hardly make any decisions independent of one another. They’re so alike that they’re practically one person–of a single identity. This is very unusual–the only well-known marriage similar to my parents’ was that of Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
• Still, if I were confident their choice would be a good one, I’d be willing to have them select my bride (with her consent, of course). Dating (courtship) is frustrating at best. I’d much rather have a compatible wife than continue the process of mate selection indefinitely.