Immunomodulatory Natural Products for Breast Cancer
Based on what is known about the immunology of breast cancer, an effective immunomodulatory therapy would increase natural killer (NK) cell activity, alter cytokine production toward a T-helper 1 (Th1) pattern, and increase some lymphocyte populations while suppressing T regulatory cells. The underlying hypothesis of immunomodulatory therapy in breast cancer is that improving the cytotoxic activity of lymphocyte killer cells, reducing inflammation, suppressing T regulatory cells, and shifting toward a Th1 pattern of cytokine secretion will improve disease-free survival following completion of primary treatment for breast cancer.
Because of their broad immune activity, medicinal mushrooms are a rich potential source of immunoceuticals. Although other natural products from other plant species have immunologic activity (plant sterols, plant cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, thiol-containing allium vegetables), polysaccharides extracted from certain mushroom species have been the most thoroughly studied natural products in both preclinical and clinical studies.
More than 270 recognized species of mushrooms are known to have specific immunotherapeutic properties.1 Of these, 50 nontoxic mushrooms species have yielded potential immunoceuticals in animal models, and of these, 6 species have been studies in human cancers.2 Of these six, one medicinal mushroom, Tv, has been studied in phase I, II, and III randomized clinical trials in stomach, colorectal, esophageal, and breast cancer patients (Table 1)3–43 These Japanese and Korean clinical data provide support for the hypothesis that immunomodulation can influence the clinical course in breast cancer.
Immunomodulatory Natural Products for Breast CancerBased on what is known about the immunology of breast cancer, an effective immunomodulatory therapy would increase natural killer (NK) cell activity, alter cytokine production toward a T-helper 1 (Th1) pattern, and increase some lymphocyte populations while suppressing T regulatory cells. The underlying hypothesis of immunomodulatory therapy in breast cancer is that improving the cytotoxic activity of lymphocyte killer cells, reducing inflammation, suppressing T regulatory cells, and shifting toward a Th1 pattern of cytokine secretion will improve disease-free survival following completion of primary treatment for breast cancer.Because of their broad immune activity, medicinal mushrooms are a rich potential source of immunoceuticals. Although other natural products from other plant species have immunologic activity (plant sterols, plant cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, thiol-containing allium vegetables), polysaccharides extracted from certain mushroom species have been the most thoroughly studied natural products in both preclinical and clinical studies.กว่า 270 รู้จักพันธุ์เห็ดรู้จักกันมี properties.1 immunotherapeutic เฉพาะเหล่านี้ 50 เห็ดพิษทั้งชนิดมีผล immunoceuticals เป็นไปในแบบจำลองสัตว์ และ เหล่าพันธุ์ 6 ได้ศึกษาในมนุษย์ cancers.2 ของเหล่านี้หก หนึ่งยาเห็ด ทีวี มีการศึกษาในระยะที่ฉัน II และ III randomized คลินิกในกระเพาะอาหาร หลอดอาหาร ลำไส้ เต้านมผู้ป่วยโรคมะเร็ง (ตารางที่ 1) 3 – 43 ขั้นญี่ปุ่น และเกาหลีข้อมูลทางคลินิกให้การสนับสนุนสำหรับสมมติฐาน immunomodulation ที่สามารถมีอิทธิพลต่อหลักสูตรทางคลินิกในโรคมะเร็งเต้านม
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