Correlation analysis was carried out to establish relationship
among parameters. There was a significant positive
linear relationship between RGR and NAR recording a
correlation coefficient value of 0.6586 (Fig. 9a). RGR and
NAR displayed a very significant positive linear relationship
with plant total biomass (Fig. 9b) and a quadratic
relationship with total leaf area (Fig. 9c). In both relationships,
RGR depicted higher correlation coefficient
values than NAR with respective values of 0.7207 and
0.678 for total plant biomass and 0.5016 and 0.3829 for
total leaf area. The latter had weaker relationship with
RGR and NAR compared to the former as indicated by the
lower correlation coefficient. The increase in SLA reduced
RGR and NAR as indicated by the negative correlation
coefficients of -0.5167 and -0.4811, respectively
(Fig. 9d). Meanwhile, shoot to root ratio showed positive
linear relationship with RGR and NAR depicting values of
0.1668 and 0.1781, respectively (Fig. 10a). Leaf gas
exchange parameters of A (Fig. 10b) and WUE (Fig. 10c)
also recorded significant positive linear relationships with
Total biomass (Fig. 11) and total leaf area (Fig. 12) of
seedlings under both the ambient and CO2-enriched conditions
were regressed against duration of exposure period
to treatment for 15 weeks, and positive linear relationships
were established between these parameters and the exposure
period. The calculated data from regression formula
were plotted to obtain an extended period of time to
65 weeks, which enabled the estimation of total biomass
and total leaf area of seedlings under both ambient and
CO2-enriched conditions. Under normal ambient condition,
a 52-week seedling ready for transplanting recorded total
biomass of about 285 g, and total leaf area of 8,450 cm2,
while it took only 25 and 30 weeks, respectively, for
seedlings under 4-month CO2 enrichment to achieve similar
values, exhibiting a reduction in time by 52% for total
biomass (Fig. 11) and 42% for total leaf area (Fig. 12).
Correlation analysis was carried out to establish relationshipamong parameters. There was a significant positivelinear relationship between RGR and NAR recording acorrelation coefficient value of 0.6586 (Fig. 9a). RGR andNAR displayed a very significant positive linear relationshipwith plant total biomass (Fig. 9b) and a quadraticrelationship with total leaf area (Fig. 9c). In both relationships,RGR depicted higher correlation coefficientvalues than NAR with respective values of 0.7207 and0.678 for total plant biomass and 0.5016 and 0.3829 fortotal leaf area. The latter had weaker relationship withRGR and NAR compared to the former as indicated by thelower correlation coefficient. The increase in SLA reducedRGR and NAR as indicated by the negative correlationcoefficients of -0.5167 and -0.4811, respectively(Fig. 9d). Meanwhile, shoot to root ratio showed positivelinear relationship with RGR and NAR depicting values of0.1668 and 0.1781, respectively (Fig. 10a). Leaf gasexchange parameters of A (Fig. 10b) and WUE (Fig. 10c)also recorded significant positive linear relationships withTotal biomass (Fig. 11) and total leaf area (Fig. 12) ofseedlings under both the ambient and CO2-enriched conditionswere regressed against duration of exposure periodto treatment for 15 weeks, and positive linear relationshipswere established between these parameters and the exposureperiod. The calculated data from regression formulawere plotted to obtain an extended period of time to
65 weeks, which enabled the estimation of total biomass
and total leaf area of seedlings under both ambient and
CO2-enriched conditions. Under normal ambient condition,
a 52-week seedling ready for transplanting recorded total
biomass of about 285 g, and total leaf area of 8,450 cm2,
while it took only 25 and 30 weeks, respectively, for
seedlings under 4-month CO2 enrichment to achieve similar
values, exhibiting a reduction in time by 52% for total
biomass (Fig. 11) and 42% for total leaf area (Fig. 12).
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