Fairlawn and Vicinity
Fairlawn is a small neighborhood (14 homes). Its boundaries are reasonably uncontested and consensual. The neighborhood includes two families with grade school and high school aged children but is primarily composed of families in which either there were no children or the children have already left home. The heads of these families tend to be successful and somewhat advanced in their careers, most having achieved management status or its equivalent. Fairlawn is located adjacent to a local country club, but on the “poorer side of the street.” Consequently, there are some large (>3,000 square feet) and well‐maintained homes. However, the types of houses encountered vary, a fact noted by most informants from this neighborhood. Home prices range from $85,000 to $530,000. Most of the monied members of the neighborhood consider themselves “old Bloomingdale,” but roughly a third of the neighborhood is made up of younger but affluent members who have lived in the town less than 15 years. There is one rental home, the occupants of which are typically referred to not by name, but as “the renters.” Traveling more than three blocks in three directions from this neighborhood, one encounters a wider variety of homes, many being lower priced. To the west is the “really expensive neighborhood.” Fairlawn is a terminal neighborhood—no members discussed moving to a more desirable location. Quite the opposite, most express contentment with the neighborhood, including some sentiment of having “made it” by living in such a place. Members of the participating households know many of their neighbors and are friendly with them, but only a few consider themselves close to any.
Fairlawn และปริมณฑลFairlawn is a small neighborhood (14 homes). Its boundaries are reasonably uncontested and consensual. The neighborhood includes two families with grade school and high school aged children but is primarily composed of families in which either there were no children or the children have already left home. The heads of these families tend to be successful and somewhat advanced in their careers, most having achieved management status or its equivalent. Fairlawn is located adjacent to a local country club, but on the “poorer side of the street.” Consequently, there are some large (>3,000 square feet) and well‐maintained homes. However, the types of houses encountered vary, a fact noted by most informants from this neighborhood. Home prices range from $85,000 to $530,000. Most of the monied members of the neighborhood consider themselves “old Bloomingdale,” but roughly a third of the neighborhood is made up of younger but affluent members who have lived in the town less than 15 years. There is one rental home, the occupants of which are typically referred to not by name, but as “the renters.” Traveling more than three blocks in three directions from this neighborhood, one encounters a wider variety of homes, many being lower priced. To the west is the “really expensive neighborhood.” Fairlawn is a terminal neighborhood—no members discussed moving to a more desirable location. Quite the opposite, most express contentment with the neighborhood, including some sentiment of having “made it” by living in such a place. Members of the participating households know many of their neighbors and are friendly with them, but only a few consider themselves close to any.
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