Case 2: Transition Traps: Transition to First-Line Supervisor (FLS Lee)
Read the scenario below and identify
1. Which transition traps Lee, a first-line supervisor, experienced
2. Any best practices for effectively transitioning to the first-line supervisor role
Lee was a capable and enthusiastic young Production Operator with the company for 5 years.
He was promoted 1 year later to Production Supervisor. He now supervises a group of seven
Operators doing work very similar to his own past assignment. Lee is worrying constantly
about the increased workload and wonders whether he has made a mistake in accepting the
Last week, Lee was having a one-on-one session with his Asset Manager during his last site
visit. "Can I help you with anything?" asked the AM. "We are short of operators. I find
myself having to help out the team and I am working long hours every day just to complete my
paperwork” answered Lee.
"From our workforce comparison tool, your group is already at the bottom quartile, this means
that you have more people when compared with other teams! In other words, you need to be
more productive and efficient,” explained the AM. "But how? I already work very hard." Lee
replied wearily.
Current situation
Lee is now supervising a team where he was a co-worker for 4 years. He really knows the
work and feels he has greater expertise than his team members and could do the work better
and faster than they could. Also, Lee finds it hard to ask one of his team members, who was a
close friend when they worked together, to take on a task that is in addition to his routine
Recently, he had asked one of the team members to compile the well flowline status as part of
the well restoration effort. He waited a few days and the job was not done. Eventually, he
decided to do it himself since he promised his AM that it would be done. As time passed, his
hours of work increased steadily and he was less and less visible to his own Production Team
and PIC.
On another occasion, Lee walked pass a group of Construction team working at heights without
wearing safety harness. Again, because he was in a hurry, he decided to leave this to the
Construction Supervisor to take care of.
After 3 months into his new role, the PIC called him in to discuss his performance. Lee looked
forward to the meeting because he felt that he has been very hardworking and doing a good
job. Is Lee in for a surprise?