Before long, Sophie will grow into a Skilled Alchemist, allowing her to take on more difficult syntheses and think up more advanced recipes. And as proof of her achievement, she’ll receive a special outfit. But even with these special clothes, Sophie will continue to seek knowledge to further her alchemic skill and bring happiness to all.
■ More About Doll Make
Atelier Sophie
As you further deepen your bonds with Plachta, you can use “Doll Make” to customize and make her stronger. Doll Make is the only way to change Plachta’s abilities. Through inserting a variety of items, depending on what kind of items you use, you’ll see a big change in her appearance.
You can use four items in the Doll Make formation of Plachta. Although each location has a determined item category, depending on which item you insert within that category, the results can greatly. change. For example, for the “Thread Material” category of items, since there are a number of items within that category, you can try out a variety of combinations.
You’ll be able to use the Doll Make system at your studio at any time.