- Proper Setting: Whenever possible visualize at the site of competition. Ideally, the athlete will be at the field or court where they will be competing at the future, and even better is to have them dress up in their competition clothes. However this is not practical or feasible for many athlete, so at a minimum they should visualize playing at that field or at that court. First you should start with minimal distraction, as the athlete become more proficient have them image a mild distraction, crowd noise, weather, etc.
- Visualize both execution and outcome: visualizing both will lead to best performance. Have the athlete imagine a great performance and winning the competition.
- Use vivid and controllable images: to make image more vivid, athlete might considered visiting the site of competition so they can image the exact situation in which they will be competing. If the athlete have difficulties in controlling their images then start with simple images then progress to complex images.