10.6.11 Other conditions
Antimicrobial therapy may be indicated for treatment
of a variety of other conditions (Table 10.13).
Among the most important of these is neonatal septicaemia.
This is an important problem because of
the incidence of disease, mortality rate, the potential
for performance-limiting complications such as
septic arthritis, and the likelihood of death if initial
antimicrobial treatment is not effective. For these
reasons, broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy is
indicated. Optimal drugs or drug combinations may
vary greatly with geographic region. In some areas,
a combination of penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfa
can be quite effective, while in other areas the incidence
of trimethoprim-sulfa resistance amongst
Gram-negative pathogens is relatively high and penicillin-
aminoglycoside combinations are more widely
used. Knowledge of local suscep-tibility patterns and
clinical experience can guide optimal use, both in
terms of clinical effect and prudent use.
10.6.11 Other conditionsAntimicrobial therapy may be indicated for treatmentof a variety of other conditions (Table 10.13).Among the most important of these is neonatal septicaemia.This is an important problem because ofthe incidence of disease, mortality rate, the potentialfor performance-limiting complications such asseptic arthritis, and the likelihood of death if initialantimicrobial treatment is not effective. For thesereasons, broad-spectrum antimicrobial therapy isindicated. Optimal drugs or drug combinations mayvary greatly with geographic region. In some areas,a combination of penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfacan be quite effective, while in other areas the incidenceof trimethoprim-sulfa resistance amongstGram-negative pathogens is relatively high and penicillin-aminoglycoside combinations are more widelyused. Knowledge of local suscep-tibility patterns andclinical experience can guide optimal use, both interms of clinical effect and prudent use.
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