Assistant principals
Assistant principal positions are classified within one classification level with four remuneration ranges.
To be classified as assistant principal, a position should have primary responsibility for the management of significant areas or functions within the school. In exercising the responsibility, an assistant principal position should have the authority to make significant decisions relating to the program, budget and staff relating to their area of designated responsibility within the framework of the school's strategic plan, policies and budget. Assistant principal positions should contribute to the overall management of the school through involvement in policy formulation and decision making.
The principal, having regard to the nature of the duties to be performed and the funding available in the school, determines the number of assistant principal positions and the remuneration range of those positions.
Liaison principals
Liaison principal positions are classified within one classification level with six remuneration ranges. The Secretary (or delegate) determines when a liaison principal position will be created. Liaison principal positions are generally in non-school locations.
Teacher Class
Teachers make a significant difference to the lives and interests of children. An environment where the contribution that a teacher makes to the education of children and the life of a school is recognised; school expectations are clearly stated; and professional development objectives and priorities are effectively identified is essential in positively influencing teachers' professional growth and development.
The teacher class comprises the following classifications:
• leading teacher
• classroom teacher