The Library Standards is the benchmark for establishing and maintaining prison library services.
It outlines access, minimum standards for staffing, budget, facility size, and collection – elements
that are necessary for the provision of acceptable library services in adult state and federal
correctional facilities. It includes the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights, The
Resolution on Prisoners’ Right to Read, The Freedom to Read, and The Freedom to View. Prison
Librarians aim to emulate the Public Library’s role of libraries as community information center,
formal education support center, independent learning center, popular materials library, and
reference library. However, services and facilities vary among and within States, depending on
State politics, individual warden’sphilosophy, budget, and also the nature of the institution.
Certain prison facilities are concerned about compliance with Federal guidelines for access to the
courts and have little interest in general library services. Others, recognizing the importance of
rehabilitation for successful reentry into the community, have supported library collections and
services that encourage information seeking and reading for pleasure or for self-help.