acceptance, purchase intents and health benefit purchase intents as deciding factors in this study.
Overall liking as indicated was much strong for the WSB/SG25 soymilk formulation, followed
by WSB/100, WSB/SG35 and WSB/SG30. This pattern was the same for overall liking for both
men and women. A similar pattern was also revealed for acceptance and initial purchase intent
that was based on product availability. In reverse, the WSB/SG35 was most preferred for
purchasing based on knowledge of the health benefits of soy protein and isoflavone. This was
followed by WSB/SG30, WSB/SG25 and WSB/100, respectively showing an order of purchase
intent preference with decrease in soy germ. Regardless of the results on change in purchase
intent based on knowledge of soy health benefits, WSB/SG25 was the optimal formulation based
also on other considerations of the entire study thus far. In any case, critical attributes that
influenced the decisive factors which contributed to the final selection overall and by gender
included the soy aroma, TBF, sweetness, and MFV.
Additional sensory testing with the WSB/SG25 when spiked with four different flavors
showed preference for the product in flavored version over the plain / bland form. Overall,
preference for green mango flavor, almond and chocolate were higher than for orange flavor. But
the bland milk was actually preferred over the chocolate flavor and orange as well. Gender
differences showed preference green mango, then chocolate, almond, plain/bland and orange. In
general, men rated the beverages as more acceptable and were more willing to purchase them
than the women. Contributing attributes that underscored the differences noted among the
flavored soymilk and influenced acceptance and purchase intent of the beverages were overall
liking, overall flavor, aroma and sweetness for acceptance, overall liking and overall flavor for
purchase intent.
It can be concluded that the study did achieve its goals and objectives. However, the
following suggestions are put forward to potential users of these research findings especially the