DPPH is a stable free radical and is usually used as a substrate to
evaluate antioxidant activity of extracts obtained from plant materials.
Results of DPPH scavenging activity of buckwheat and wheat
crackers are presented in Table 3. Effectiveness of antioxidant
activity inversely correlated with IC50 value. Wholegrain buckwheat
crackers were the most effective as evidenced by their lowest IC50
value. Results indicate that remarkable DPPH scavenging activity of
the buckwheat crackers could have been partly due to the presence
of rutin which possesses strong ability to scavenge DPPH (Yang,
Guo, & Yuan, 2008). Also, significant positive correlation between
total phenolic content and DPPH scavenging activity was obtained
(0.96, P < 0.05).
The high DPPH scavenging activity of the wholegrain crackers
may be related to their higher phenolic content compared to the
crackers made with refined flour. These findings are in accordance