Dear Mr. Joseph and colleagues,
I just talked with Kojima-san this morning.
Current status and concerns are following.
New contract between MFTCB and TCMA
- The contract has already been signed by both parties.
- However, we need to get the official quotation for Pilot packing, otherwise MFTBC cannot accept the order.
- The prices for some models are increased 5 – 6%
- Mr. Steven, FTT, has discussed with Kojima-san on this matter, and MFTBC will consider price reduction.
- MFTBC can adjust parts price, however, it’s difficult to change the price again if once it’s adjusted.
- This price will effect to LC%, therefore, MFTBC want to know current LC% status.
Timeline (expectation)
- MFTBC will try to adjust, reduce, the price within this week for some specific models, FV-Tractor.
- We will place the order later this week or early next week, unless TCMA or FTT disagree on the new price.
- But we will send the ‘Planned order information’ as a forecast to Kojima-san in parallel. (Refer to attached)
- Kojima-san suggested to have a TelCo. within this week to discuss each issue, Price adjustment, LC% and etc.
Our task
- Revise TCMA and ZPT internal cost in order to finalize LC%.
- Clarify the contact window in ZPT.
Please be noted that MFTBC will never accept the our order without the quotation.
It’s mandatory procedure in Daimler to ensure the compliance.
However, Kojima-san agreed to put the Pilot Packing as early as possible.
MFTBC will try best to conduct the trial packing within June.