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ReportMy First Bikini by LordCrusade
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he moves away to his aunts house ahh i can type this it takes up my time sorry readers
Categories: Realistic Crossdressing and TV
Characters: Female to Male, Teen (13-19 yrs)
Turned Into: Daughter
Featured Items: Bikinis, Breast Forms, Chastity Belt, Corsets, Curlers, High Heels, Lingerie, Long Nails
Body Modification: Ears Pierced, Extreme Breast Enlargement
Motivation for Change: Caught Crossdressing, In Hiding, Unknown, Willing or Voluntary
Personality: Bad to Good, Is Unaware of Changes
Sexual Orientation: Becomes Bisexual
Story Theme: Everyday Living
Type of Change: Changed by Clothing, Drug-Induced
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Completed Story
Word count: 25912 Read: 11755
Published: 10/06/14 Updated: 10/06/14
Hi my name is Kelly and I am 15 years old. I grew up in Portland Oregon living with my mom and my twin sister Tracy. Our Dad left when we were both small leaving our Mom to take care of us. She worked two jobs most of her life to make sure we always had a roof over our heads and food to eat and most of all love. Our mom had been great. Growing up my sister and I were really close. She was always more of a tom boy and preferred to play with my friends then the other little girls in the neighborhood. Tracy was my best friend but when we got to the eighth grade she suddenly almost overnight became feminine. She started to wear makeup and dresses and no longer wanted to do all the tom boy things we had enjoyed all these years. For the next year we still stayed close but not like before. I really missed my sister. By the time we were 15 the difference between us was unmistakable. Although we were still the same size Tracy had filled out and was a beautiful young lady. Tracy spent her time now doing her nails and reading fashion magazines. I missed the long talks we had. Neither one of us had a lot of friends but even with that the closeness we shared had faded away.
I remember my ninth grade year. It was mid April when mom sat Tracy and me down to talk to us. My mom who was a beautiful woman and very feminine in her own right (which is why I think my sister suddenly changed) was 32 years old. She had gotten pregnant with us when she was only 16 and her and my dad married while they were still in high school. She had been working nights in a local lounge for the past several years had closed and she had been laid off. Mom told us she would find a new job. She told us everything would be okay although I could see in her eyes she was scared. Her family had disowned her when she had gotten pregnant and she was a proud woman that didn’t want any handouts. The only family that even talked to her was her one sister in Las Vegas and even that was just Christmas cards and maybe a birthday card. For the next couple weeks she looked for work but was not having any luck. The job market in Portland was really bad and lots of people were looking for work. It was mid May when mom finally called her Sister Sara. Sarah was a nurse in a big hospital in Las Vegas. She had got her nursing training in the army. She didn’t know what she was going to say as they had not spoken to each other for more than ten years. Mom started off just asking how she was and did not go into any details about our lives and the hard time we were going through. It turned out her sister had been divorced a couple months back. My mom told her how sorry she was to hear of the divorce. Mom listened to Sarah for over an hour, I guess Sarah really needed to talk and my mom didn’t feel it was right to ask her for help when she was dealing with her own problems. This jester seemed to go a long way and bring them closer. Sarah thanked her for calling and promised she would keep in touch. Mom hung up and gave us a hug and told us it would be okay but she couldn’t ask Aunt Sarah for help right now.
A couple days later Aunt Sarah called back and talked to mom again. She thanked mom for listening and told her she had thought about calling her many time be just somehow couldn’t. Mom said the same. Then Aunt Sarah told her she was sorry she had not let mom tell her why she had called and asked what was up. Mom just told her it was nothing and she should concentrate on her own life. Sarah thanked her but said she really missed sharing their live. When they were growing up they were as close as Tracy and I so Mom went ahead and told Sarah about her losing her job and not being able to find a new one. Sarah was more than sympathetic she told mom that the job market in Las Vegas was really good and she would have no trouble finding a job. Mom thanked her but declined the offer as I said mom was proud.
The next day Aunt Sarah called back and talked to mom. She told her that a friend of hers worked in a casino and they were looking for some cocktail waitresses. She had told her about Mom and she told Sarah to have mom call her. Mom was not sure she could move right now. Sarah then told mom she also needed a favor. Seams her army reserve unit was doing their three week training and she would be gone for a little over three weeks. She thought Mom could stay in her house and keep an eye on it while she was gone. We could stay there for free as long as we took care of it for her. Plus when she got back we could stay till mom could find a place so they could get to know each other again and be sisters. She told mom she had a big house the one thing she got out of the divorce and it was way too big for just one person. Mom told her she would talk to us and give her a call back.
Mom told us about the offer and asked what we thought. I could see in her eyes she was not really excited about the idea as she had lived in Portland all her life plus I think she didn’t want us to feel pressured into moving. I thought for a moment but Tracy didn’t need any time to think. She loved the idea of moving to Las Vegas. She had never liked the weather in Portland as it rained too much. She really like the sun and whenever she could she would be laying out sun bathing in one of her many bikinis. She told mom we should move right away. I wasn’t as sure but I thought to myself if we moved we wouldn’t know anyone there and maybe Tracy and I could become closer like we were when we were small so I also told mom I thought the idea was good plus on top of it we would be living in a nice house instead of a small apartment. Mom thought for a moment and then said she agreed but only after school was out. She went into the other room to call Aunt Sarah. Tracy and I talked for a while and I gave Tracy a hug and told her I never wanted to let what happened to mom and Aunt Sarah happen to us that no matter what, we would always be brother and sister. Tracy smiled and told me nothing could ever come between us. I went to bed feeling a lot better. The next few weeks went by fast as we prepared for our move. School would be out on June 5th and on June 6th we would leave and drive to Las Vegas the drive would take two days so we would be in Las Vegas on June 8th which would give us two days before Aunt Sarah shipped out on June 10th. Tracy and I were excited as we had never met Aunt Sarah.
We got to Las Vegas and we were all tired but when we met our Aunt we were so excited. You could tell she and mom were sisters but Sarah was two years younger than mom. We sat and talked for several hours till Tracy and I fell asleep. Mom and Sarah sat up most of the night talking. It seemed that it was a lot easier than they thought to put things behind. It was as though the last 16 years had never happened. The next day I could tell mom was sad that Aunt Sarah would be gone for a three weeks. Tracy and I looked around the house and there in the back yard was a pool with a big deck. Tracy and I went out to the pool. Tracy was so happy the weather was warm and in the 80’s and she had a pool to swim in and she could lay out in the sun. She looked around and the yard had trees all around the edge giving the back yard total privacy, she got a funny look on her face. She gave me a hug and then said she could even sun bathe topples as no one could see her in the backyard of course only when mom and I were gone.
Aunt Sarah and mom came out and told us we needed to be going. Aunt Sarah took us around Las Vegas and showed us where things were. There was a shopping mall about five blocks away which made Tracy happy. Aunt Sarah dropped mom off at the Wynn casino for her interview and then took us out for lunch. She was truly happy to get to know her niece and nephew. We had a great time with our Aunt and wanted to spend more time with her by ourselves but we had to go back and pick mom up. Mom was so excited she had got the job and would be working the day shift to start, 9 am to 5 pm with Sunday Monday off so she would be home in the evening with us. She thanked her sister as it was Aunt Sarah who had helped her get the job. The next Day Wednesday we took Aunt Sarah to the airport and she left. We said our goodbyes at the airport and then went back to the house. Mom fixed us lunch and we sat and ate. We sat at the table for over an hour just talking about the move and Aunt Sarah, I could tell mom was glad they had made up and were talking again. Mom asked what we wanted to do the rest of the day and Tracy without hesitation said she wanted to go swimming in the pool. I asked mom if we could go buy me a swimming suit sense I didn’t have one. She told me as soon as she got her first pay check we would both go and buy swimming suits so we could also use the pool. Tracy almost ran upstairs to her room to get changed.
Tracy came down stairs wearing a hot pink bikini that was oh so small. There was almost nothing on her. In one arm she had her towel and the other arm held her other bikini. She walked up to mom and said I have a coupl
Home Recent Search Tops Authors Categories Discuss
ReportMy First Bikini by LordCrusade
starstarstarstarhalf-star 6 Reviews Table of Contents Download ePub Chapter or Story
he moves away to his aunts house ahh i can type this it takes up my time sorry readers
Categories: Realistic Crossdressing and TV
Characters: Female to Male, Teen (13-19 yrs)
Turned Into: Daughter
Featured Items: Bikinis, Breast Forms, Chastity Belt, Corsets, Curlers, High Heels, Lingerie, Long Nails
Body Modification: Ears Pierced, Extreme Breast Enlargement
Motivation for Change: Caught Crossdressing, In Hiding, Unknown, Willing or Voluntary
Personality: Bad to Good, Is Unaware of Changes
Sexual Orientation: Becomes Bisexual
Story Theme: Everyday Living
Type of Change: Changed by Clothing, Drug-Induced
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Completed: Completed Story
Word count: 25912 Read: 11755
Published: 10/06/14 Updated: 10/06/14
Hi my name is Kelly and I am 15 years old. I grew up in Portland Oregon living with my mom and my twin sister Tracy. Our Dad left when we were both small leaving our Mom to take care of us. She worked two jobs most of her life to make sure we always had a roof over our heads and food to eat and most of all love. Our mom had been great. Growing up my sister and I were really close. She was always more of a tom boy and preferred to play with my friends then the other little girls in the neighborhood. Tracy was my best friend but when we got to the eighth grade she suddenly almost overnight became feminine. She started to wear makeup and dresses and no longer wanted to do all the tom boy things we had enjoyed all these years. For the next year we still stayed close but not like before. I really missed my sister. By the time we were 15 the difference between us was unmistakable. Although we were still the same size Tracy had filled out and was a beautiful young lady. Tracy spent her time now doing her nails and reading fashion magazines. I missed the long talks we had. Neither one of us had a lot of friends but even with that the closeness we shared had faded away.
I remember my ninth grade year. It was mid April when mom sat Tracy and me down to talk to us. My mom who was a beautiful woman and very feminine in her own right (which is why I think my sister suddenly changed) was 32 years old. She had gotten pregnant with us when she was only 16 and her and my dad married while they were still in high school. She had been working nights in a local lounge for the past several years had closed and she had been laid off. Mom told us she would find a new job. She told us everything would be okay although I could see in her eyes she was scared. Her family had disowned her when she had gotten pregnant and she was a proud woman that didn’t want any handouts. The only family that even talked to her was her one sister in Las Vegas and even that was just Christmas cards and maybe a birthday card. For the next couple weeks she looked for work but was not having any luck. The job market in Portland was really bad and lots of people were looking for work. It was mid May when mom finally called her Sister Sara. Sarah was a nurse in a big hospital in Las Vegas. She had got her nursing training in the army. She didn’t know what she was going to say as they had not spoken to each other for more than ten years. Mom started off just asking how she was and did not go into any details about our lives and the hard time we were going through. It turned out her sister had been divorced a couple months back. My mom told her how sorry she was to hear of the divorce. Mom listened to Sarah for over an hour, I guess Sarah really needed to talk and my mom didn’t feel it was right to ask her for help when she was dealing with her own problems. This jester seemed to go a long way and bring them closer. Sarah thanked her for calling and promised she would keep in touch. Mom hung up and gave us a hug and told us it would be okay but she couldn’t ask Aunt Sarah for help right now.
A couple days later Aunt Sarah called back and talked to mom again. She thanked mom for listening and told her she had thought about calling her many time be just somehow couldn’t. Mom said the same. Then Aunt Sarah told her she was sorry she had not let mom tell her why she had called and asked what was up. Mom just told her it was nothing and she should concentrate on her own life. Sarah thanked her but said she really missed sharing their live. When they were growing up they were as close as Tracy and I so Mom went ahead and told Sarah about her losing her job and not being able to find a new one. Sarah was more than sympathetic she told mom that the job market in Las Vegas was really good and she would have no trouble finding a job. Mom thanked her but declined the offer as I said mom was proud.
The next day Aunt Sarah called back and talked to mom. She told her that a friend of hers worked in a casino and they were looking for some cocktail waitresses. She had told her about Mom and she told Sarah to have mom call her. Mom was not sure she could move right now. Sarah then told mom she also needed a favor. Seams her army reserve unit was doing their three week training and she would be gone for a little over three weeks. She thought Mom could stay in her house and keep an eye on it while she was gone. We could stay there for free as long as we took care of it for her. Plus when she got back we could stay till mom could find a place so they could get to know each other again and be sisters. She told mom she had a big house the one thing she got out of the divorce and it was way too big for just one person. Mom told her she would talk to us and give her a call back.
Mom told us about the offer and asked what we thought. I could see in her eyes she was not really excited about the idea as she had lived in Portland all her life plus I think she didn’t want us to feel pressured into moving. I thought for a moment but Tracy didn’t need any time to think. She loved the idea of moving to Las Vegas. She had never liked the weather in Portland as it rained too much. She really like the sun and whenever she could she would be laying out sun bathing in one of her many bikinis. She told mom we should move right away. I wasn’t as sure but I thought to myself if we moved we wouldn’t know anyone there and maybe Tracy and I could become closer like we were when we were small so I also told mom I thought the idea was good plus on top of it we would be living in a nice house instead of a small apartment. Mom thought for a moment and then said she agreed but only after school was out. She went into the other room to call Aunt Sarah. Tracy and I talked for a while and I gave Tracy a hug and told her I never wanted to let what happened to mom and Aunt Sarah happen to us that no matter what, we would always be brother and sister. Tracy smiled and told me nothing could ever come between us. I went to bed feeling a lot better. The next few weeks went by fast as we prepared for our move. School would be out on June 5th and on June 6th we would leave and drive to Las Vegas the drive would take two days so we would be in Las Vegas on June 8th which would give us two days before Aunt Sarah shipped out on June 10th. Tracy and I were excited as we had never met Aunt Sarah.
We got to Las Vegas and we were all tired but when we met our Aunt we were so excited. You could tell she and mom were sisters but Sarah was two years younger than mom. We sat and talked for several hours till Tracy and I fell asleep. Mom and Sarah sat up most of the night talking. It seemed that it was a lot easier than they thought to put things behind. It was as though the last 16 years had never happened. The next day I could tell mom was sad that Aunt Sarah would be gone for a three weeks. Tracy and I looked around the house and there in the back yard was a pool with a big deck. Tracy and I went out to the pool. Tracy was so happy the weather was warm and in the 80’s and she had a pool to swim in and she could lay out in the sun. She looked around and the yard had trees all around the edge giving the back yard total privacy, she got a funny look on her face. She gave me a hug and then said she could even sun bathe topples as no one could see her in the backyard of course only when mom and I were gone.
Aunt Sarah and mom came out and told us we needed to be going. Aunt Sarah took us around Las Vegas and showed us where things were. There was a shopping mall about five blocks away which made Tracy happy. Aunt Sarah dropped mom off at the Wynn casino for her interview and then took us out for lunch. She was truly happy to get to know her niece and nephew. We had a great time with our Aunt and wanted to spend more time with her by ourselves but we had to go back and pick mom up. Mom was so excited she had got the job and would be working the day shift to start, 9 am to 5 pm with Sunday Monday off so she would be home in the evening with us. She thanked her sister as it was Aunt Sarah who had helped her get the job. The next Day Wednesday we took Aunt Sarah to the airport and she left. We said our goodbyes at the airport and then went back to the house. Mom fixed us lunch and we sat and ate. We sat at the table for over an hour just talking about the move and Aunt Sarah, I could tell mom was glad they had made up and were talking again. Mom asked what we wanted to do the rest of the day and Tracy without hesitation said she wanted to go swimming in the pool. I asked mom if we could go buy me a swimming suit sense I didn’t have one. She told me as soon as she got her first pay check we would both go and buy swimming suits so we could also use the pool. Tracy almost ran upstairs to her room to get changed.
Tracy came down stairs wearing a hot pink bikini that was oh so small. There was almost nothing on her. In one arm she had her towel and the other arm held her other bikini. She walked up to mom and said I have a coupl
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reportmy แรกบิกินี่ด้วย lordcrusade
starstarstarstarhalf ดาว 6 บทวิจารณ์สารบัญดาวน์โหลด ePub บทหรือเรื่องราว
เขาย้ายไปที่บ้านของเขา ป้าอ่า ฉันสามารถชนิดนี้จะขึ้นเวลาของฉันขอโทษผู้อ่าน
หมวดหมู่ : มีเหตุผล crossdressing และอักขระทีวี
: ผู้หญิงกับผู้ชาย ( 13-19 , วัยรุ่น ปี )
: ลูกสาวกลายเป็นจุดเด่นสินค้า : บิกินี่อกรูปแบบ , เข็มขัดพรหมจรรย์ , corsets , โรลม้วนผม , รองเท้าสูง , ชุดชั้นใน , เล็บ
ยาวการปรับเปลี่ยนร่างกาย : หูเจาะ แรงจูงใจมากสำหรับการขยายเต้านม
จับ crossdressing , ซ่อน , ไม่ทราบ , เต็มใจหรือบุคลิกภาพสมัครใจ
: เลวดี ไม่รู้จักการเปลี่ยนแปลงทางเพศ : กลายเป็นกะเทย
เรื่องธีม ชีวิตประจำวัน
ประเภทเปลี่ยน : เปลี่ยนเสื้อผ้า เกิดจากยา
ชุด :ไม่มีบท 10 เสร็จสมบูรณ์
: เรื่อง : การนับจำนวนคำ 25912 อ่าน : 11755
เผยแพร่ : 10 / 06 / 14 ปรับปรุงล่าสุด : 10 / 06 / 14
สวัสดีชื่อของฉันคือ เคลลี่ กับ ผม อายุ 15 ปี ฉันเติบโตขึ้นมาในพอร์ตแลนด์โอเรกอน อาศัยอยู่กับแม่และน้องสาวฝาแฝดของฉัน เทรซี่ พ่อจากไปเมื่อเราทั้งคู่ทิ้งแม่เล็กที่ดูแลเราเธอทำงานสองงานส่วนใหญ่ของชีวิตของเธอเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าเรามักจะมีหลังคาเหนือหัวของเรา อาหารที่จะกินและที่สุดของทุกความรัก แม่เราเคยยิ่งใหญ่ เติบโตขึ้น น้องสาวของฉันและฉันสนิทกันมาก เธอมักจะเพิ่มเติมของทอม บอย และชอบที่จะเล่นกับเพื่อน แล้วเด็กผู้หญิงในละแวกเทรซี่เป็นเพื่อนที่ดีที่สุดของฉัน แต่เมื่อเราไปถึง เกรดก็เกือบชั่วข้ามคืน กลายเป็นผู้หญิง เธอเริ่มแต่งหน้าและชุดและไม่ต้องการที่จะทำทั้งหมดที่ทอมบอย สิ่งที่เรามีความสุขมาตลอด สำหรับปีหน้าเราก็จะอยู่ใกล้ แต่ไม่เหมือนก่อน ผมคิดถึงน้องสาวของผม โดยเวลาเรา 15 ความแตกต่างระหว่างเราได้หรอกแม้ว่าเรายังเหมือนกันขนาดเทรซี่ได้กรอกและเป็นหญิงสาวที่สวย . เทรซี่ใช้เวลาของเธอในตอนนี้ทำเล็บและอ่านนิตยสารแฟชั่น ฉันพลาดการเจรจาที่ยาวนานที่เราเคยมี เราต่างก็มีเพื่อนมากมายแต่กับความใกล้ชิดที่เราใช้ร่วมกันได้เลือนลาง
จำได้ว่าปี เกรดของฉัน มันอยู่กลางเดือนเมษายนเมื่อแม่นั่งเทรซี่และฉันลงมาคุยกับเราแม่ของฉันที่เป็นผู้หญิงสวย ผู้หญิงในสิทธิของเธอเอง ( ซึ่งฉันคิดว่าพี่สาวเปลี่ยน ) อายุ 32 ปี เธอได้ตั้งครรภ์กับเราเมื่อเธออายุ 16 เธอและพ่อแต่งงานขณะที่พวกเขายังคงอยู่ในโรงเรียนมัธยม เธอได้ทำงานคืนในเลานจ์ท้องถิ่นเป็นเวลาหลายปีที่ผ่านมามีการปิด และ เธอถูกเลิกจ้างแม่บอกว่าเธอจะหางานใหม่ เธอบอกเราว่า ทุกอย่างมันจะโอเคแม้ว่าฉันได้เห็นในสายตาของเธอ เธอกลัว ครอบครัวของเธอทิ้งเธอเมื่อเธอได้ตั้งครรภ์ และเธอเป็นผู้หญิงที่ไม่ต้องการใด ๆในเอกสารที่ . ครอบครัวเดียวที่ได้พูดคุยกับเธอเธอน้องสาวในลาสเวกัสและแม้แต่แค่การ์ดคริสต์มาสและบางทีการ์ดวันเกิดสำหรับสองสามสัปดาห์ถัดไป เธอมองหางาน แต่ไม่ได้มีโชคใด ๆ . งานตลาดในพอร์ตแลนด์ก็ไม่ดี และหลายคนกำลังมองหางานทำ มันอยู่กลางเดือนพฤษภาคม เมื่อแม่บอกให้น้องซาร่า ซาร่าห์เป็นพยาบาลในโรงพยาบาลใหญ่ในลาสเวกัส เธอได้รับการฝึกอบรมพยาบาลของเธอในกองทัพเธอไม่รู้ว่าเธอจะพูดอะไร พวกเขาไม่ได้พูดกันมานานกว่าสิบปี แม่เริ่มปิด แค่ถามว่า เธอและไม่ได้ไปลงรายละเอียดใด ๆเกี่ยวกับชีวิตของเรา และช่วงเวลาที่เราต้องเผชิญ มันกลับกลายเป็นพี่สาวของเธอได้หย่า 2 เดือนที่แล้ว แม่บอกเธอว่าขอโทษที่เธอเคยได้ยินของการหย่าร้าง แม่ฟังซาร่ามานานกว่าหนึ่งชั่วโมงผมเดาว่า ซาร่าต้องการที่จะพูดคุยและแม่ของฉันไม่ได้คิดว่ามันเป็นสิทธิที่จะขอเธอช่วยเมื่อเธอจัดการกับปัญหาของตัวเอง ตัวตลกนี้ดูจะไปไกลและทำให้พวกเขาใกล้ชิดกันมากขึ้น . ซาร่าห์ ขอบคุณเธอที่โทรมา และสัญญาว่าจะให้ติดต่อ แม่แขวนไว้ให้เรากอด และบอกเราว่ามันก็ดีนะ แต่เธอไม่ได้ถามป้าซาร่าให้
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