ailable cities in your country:
- Bangkok
Shop Fee:
- 15 visits: 1575 THB
Own store location can be chosen, but it has to be located in the primary tourist area. (The official brand store has to be visited!)
Proof of the visit: A picture of the exterior of the brand shop.
The deadline for this project is the 31st of December 2015
If you are interested, please do the following to apply:
- Send me an email with the city you are going to visit.
- Please indicate which fashion category you would like to choose:
Luxury, mid-luxury or mainstream.
- Please state which brand stores you would prefer to visit.
- Lastly, tell me when you would do the visit.
Do not miss out on this exciting, easy and fun visit!
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.