-The revised model clearly indicates the association between the determinants (Figure 1.1). The first determinant is the “biological function”, which is the cell function’s supporting life.
-These are easily accessed through laboratory test, physical assessment and medical diagnoses. The second determinant is “symptoms”, which refers to physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that the patient expresses. The third determinant, “functional status”, consists of physical, psychological, social, and role function. The fourth determinant, “general health perceptions”, includes subjective ratings of the valued determinants. “Overall quality of life” is the concept of how satisfied someone is with their life in general (Ferrans et al., 2005). Ferrans et al (2005) revised model focuses more on the effects of the deficits in functioning and how it impacts a person’s daily life while continuing to measure the four domains of functioning (Kring, 2008). The arrows represent the relationships of these concepts and effect they have on one another that reflects the patient’s perception of their quality of life.