The housekeeper then goes to the floor that they have been assigned. They also
need to take to the floor the linen that they will use for the day. This includes
sheets, duvet covers, pillow cases, towels and bathrobes. Only when the floor has
been set up for the day then the housekeeper can make a start on the rooms for
the day. The check out in most hotels is usually 12:00 noon. This means that the
customer has the right to stay in the room until that time. That is a great thing for
the customer as they do not have to rush in the morning and can enjoy a long
breakfast or sleep in late. For the housekeeper this is not a good thing as she has
7.5 hours to complete the whole list of rooms in that time. If no rooms have left the
housekeeper will make a start doing the stay over rooms. This means the hotel
customer is staying for more than one night. In big resorts and hotels this means
that the housekeeper has to knock on the door and ask the customer if they want
their bed made, trash taken out and floors wiped. If the customer does not answer
the door, then the housekeeper has the right to enter the room, unless there is a
do not disturb sign on the door. Once going inside then the housekeeper has to
make the beds, take out the trash, wipe the handles, change the glasses and
towels, wipe the floors and update any supplies such as toilet paper, coffee, tea,
sugar, water bottles and the minibar. If the stay over guest is staying for a longer
period of time most hotels have a policy of changing the bed sheets every two or
three days. This is to of course keep the customer happy, with fresh sheets but it is
also to minimize any possible bed bug or lice infections.
Once the housekeeper has taken care of the stay overs it is then time to see if any
of the leaving rooms have left. When the customer has left then the next stage is to
take out of the room all the dirty and used items, such as bedding, towels and
glasses. All these items need to be brought back into the room for the next
customer so time is spent making the beds and adding the new items. The last part
of making the room is the cleaning. This starts with the bathroom, where
everything is washed and wiped clean. After that in the sleeping/living area all
surfaces and handles are wiped to stop any germs spreading to new customers.
The last part of the cleaning is the floor, this is done with mops and is a very
important part and needs to be done well. The housekeeper then uses the TV in
the room to mark that the room is ready. The information from the TV goes straight
to the reception so that they know that the room is ready.
The housekeeper will continue doing the rooms on the list until they are completed
for the day. Usually hotels’ check in is between 2pm and 4pm so all the rooms
have to be ready by those times. Sometimes the hotel can offer the customer early
check in’s, this means that the housekeeper has to have the customers rooms
ready even earlier than normal. After the rooms are ready the housekeeper cleans
away all the extra linen from the floors and puts them back into the storage
cupboards. The housekeeper then empties the cleaning trolley and puts the dirty
cleaning cloths to the wash. It is important for the housekeeper to stock the trolley
for the next day so less time is spent the following morning preparing, this means
the housekeeper can make a start working on the floors a lot quicker than normal.
บุฟเฟ่ต์แล้วไปยังชั้นที่ได้รับมอบหมาย พวกเขายังจำเป็นต้องใช้พื้นผ้าที่พวกเขาจะใช้สำหรับวัน ซึ่งรวมถึงแผ่น ผ้าคลุม หมอน ผ้าขนหนู และเสื้อคลุมอาบน้ำ เมื่อพื้นมีการตั้งค่าสำหรับวัน แล้วบุฟเฟ่ต์สามารถเริ่มต้นในห้องวัน การตรวจสอบในโรงแรมส่วนใหญ่มักจะเป็น 12:00 น. ซึ่งหมายความ ว่า การลูกค้ามีสิทธิที่จะพักในห้องจนถึงเวลานั้น ซึ่งเป็นสิ่งที่ดีสำหรับลูกค้าพวกเขาต้องรีบเร่งในตอนเช้า และพักนานอาหารเช้า หรือนอนดึก สำหรับบุฟเฟ่ต์ นี้ไม่เป็นสิ่งที่ดีเธอมี7.5 ชั่วโมงเพื่อทำรายการของห้องในเวลานั้น หากไม่มีการแม่บ้านจะทำให้การเริ่มต้นทำดีกว่าห้อง ซึ่งหมายความว่า โรงแรมลูกค้าจะเข้าพักมากกว่าหนึ่งคืน ในโรงแรมและรีสอร์ทขนาดใหญ่ นี้หมายถึงว่า บุฟเฟ่ต์มีการเคาะประตู และถามลูกค้าว่า พวกเขาต้องเตียงของพวกเขาทำ ถังขยะนำออกและพื้นเช็ด ถ้าลูกค้าไม่ตอบรับประตู แล้วบุฟเฟ่ต์มีสิทธิที่จะป้อนห้อง เว้นแต่จะมีการรบกวนลงชื่อที่ประตู เมื่อไปข้างในแล้วบุฟเฟ่ต์ได้ทำให้เตียงจะออกจากถังขยะ เช็ดจับ เปลี่ยนแว่นตา และ18 ผ้าขนหนู เช็ดพื้น และปรับปรุงวัสดุใด ๆ เช่นกระดาษชำระ กาแฟ ชาน้ำตาล ขวดน้ำ และมินิบาร์ ถ้าเข้าพักช่วงพักนานperiod of time most hotels have a policy of changing the bed sheets every two orthree days. This is to of course keep the customer happy, with fresh sheets but it isalso to minimize any possible bed bug or lice infections.Once the housekeeper has taken care of the stay overs it is then time to see if anyof the leaving rooms have left. When the customer has left then the next stage is totake out of the room all the dirty and used items, such as bedding, towels andglasses. All these items need to be brought back into the room for the nextcustomer so time is spent making the beds and adding the new items. The last partof making the room is the cleaning. This starts with the bathroom, whereeverything is washed and wiped clean. After that in the sleeping/living area allsurfaces and handles are wiped to stop any germs spreading to new customers.The last part of the cleaning is the floor, this is done with mops and is a veryimportant part and needs to be done well. The housekeeper then uses the TV inthe room to mark that the room is ready. The information from the TV goes straightto the reception so that they know that the room is ready.The housekeeper will continue doing the rooms on the list until they are completedfor the day. Usually hotels’ check in is between 2pm and 4pm so all the roomshave to be ready by those times. Sometimes the hotel can offer the customer earlycheck in’s, this means that the housekeeper has to have the customers roomsready even earlier than normal. After the rooms are ready the housekeeper cleansaway all the extra linen from the floors and puts them back into the storagecupboards. The housekeeper then empties the cleaning trolley and puts the dirtycleaning cloths to the wash. It is important for the housekeeper to stock the trolleyfor the next day so less time is spent the following morning preparing, this meansthe housekeeper can make a start working on the floors a lot quicker than normal.
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