Bitcoins are an innovative method to transfer money fast, securely, and anonymously. Payments are inexpensive, as they are performed directly betweeen users identified by a Bitcoin address. Instead of a central payment processor, a distributed peer-to-peer network keeps track of all transactions. More information can be found here.
Your current Bitcoin Address is: 1EzLakoK5c5bW86ENEULYwRkkCxq4qhBhU
Any bitcoins sent to this address will automatically be credited to your VirWoX account. To maximize your anonymity for the Bitcoin network, a new address will automatically be generated after this one has been used. However, this address will continue to be connected to your VirWoX account and can be used again.
It takes the Bitcoin network about 1-2 hours to process the payment. You will receive an email when the bitcoins arrive in your VirWoX account.