marina, and found the highest values (0.64 mg gallic acid∙g−1 microalgae) for methanol extracts. This result is very close to that obtained in this study for the methanol extracts of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (0.69 mg gallic ac- id∙g−1 microalgae). Compared to other plants, Wojdylo et al. [31] evaluated water: methanol (80:20) extracts of 32 plant species and found higher values for Melissa offici- nalis (0.13 mg gallic acid∙g−1 of the dry plant), Acorus- calamuse and Taraxacum officinale (0.12 mg gallic ac- id∙g−1 of the dry plant) Polygonum avicularee and Vale- riana officinalis (0.11 mg gallic acid∙g−1 of the dry plant).