someone on the ferry heard the loud noise of the foghorn,and at the last minute the ferry changer course.the green starboard light of the big ship disappeared and its high black sides went quickly past the Goblin.'show your light,you stupid fishermen,'came an angry voice from a loudspeaker above,and then the ferry had passed them and was off on its way to Harwich.the Goblin,and everyone in it,was thrown from side to side in the big waves made by the ferry,but they were still in one piece.
back at Pin Mill bridget and Mother listened to the wind and the rain during the night.
'I wonder what noises they can hear in the Goblin,'said Bridget.
'they're anchored somewhere safe and all asleep,'said mother.'and you should be asleep,too.'she tried to keep the worry out of her voice as she listened to the wind and wondered where her children were.
it was a long august night,but in the morning the sun was shining,and when mother and Bridget came down to breakfast,there was a telegram from Daddy.he had reached Berlin on the train,and would be in England soon.
'oh dear,'said Mrs walker.'if he was in Berlin yesterday,that means he'll probably come across on the ferry to Harwich today.we'll have to go to meet him.but what if the Goblin doesn't back in time?'