According to the research, the development of the overall situation of the Chinese milk
powder industry is rapid. However, at the same time, relative to the whole milk powder
market, the development of Chinese milk powder industry is still behind the general level
of world milk powder industry. Lacking of strong domestic brands, long term occupying
by foreign brands, chaotic market competition, product quality customs, etc., greatly
reduce the credibility of the domestic milk powder brands. The solution of these
problems for domestic milk powder brands requires not only speeding up the milk
powder technology research and development, but also the need to strengthen mutual
cooperation between industry restructuring and enterprise.
The room of infant formula market is still much for growth. Because of Chinese residents’
income in recent years and the increase in the purchasing powder, more and more
Chinese consumers can afford formula milk powder. With more consumers recognize
the importance of formula milk powder to those babies can not be breast fed, there will
be more consumption of formula milk powder. In addition, although the formula of the
first tier markets is competitive, but many second and third tier markets have yet to be
developed. The development of these markets will bring new market opportunities for
infant formula manufacturers, especially to those foreign brands. If the online marketing
channels mature, it will be a huge blow to the market share of domestic brands.