Cold wind blew at night. Because it was the wetlands, high humidity and the summery heat combined together to give people excruciating pain, however at night this heat mellowed and the gusts of wind would even be considered freezing. Of course for the lizardmen with sturdy skin, this hardly registered as a significant change.
Zaryusu stamped along the wetlands, his target being his pet Rororo’s hut.
Although there was still some time, it could not be said for certain that nothing unexpected would suddenly happen, and more so it was not known if the enemy would abide by their declared schedule, or perhaps hinder Zaryusu’s movements. With all these considerations, riding through the wetlands on Rororo was still the most appropriate.
The stamping footsteps slowed down and stopped. The bag on his back which was filled with various items also shook. The reason for stopping was because the moonlight illuminated the sight of a familiar lizardman leaving Rororo’s hut.
Both individuals staggered at the sight of each other, and the confused Zaryusu crooked his neck in a bow. The black scaled lizardman drew himself closer and closed the distance.
“... I reckon that you are the one more suitable to take the mantle of Clan Head.”
Those were the only words of Shasuryu who had approached to within two meters.
“...What are you saying older brother.”
“Still remember the previous large war?”
“Of course.”
Since Zaryusu had raised this question during the meeting, there was no way he would not remember. Of course this was not the main point of Shasuryu’s question.
“...After the war you became a traveler. At that time when you had the insignia burned upon your chest, you have no idea how much I regretted it. Even if I had to use my fists, I should have stopped you.”
Zaryusu fiercely shook his head. His brother’s expression at that time still remained a thorn in his heart.
“...It is all thanks to older brother’s permission that I was able to learn the ability to raise fish.”
“If it were you, even if you remained in the village you would be able to come up with that method. Such an intelligent man as you should be able to be the supporting pillar of this village.”
“Older brother.”
The past was the past, therefore any hypothetical discussions starting with ‘what if...’ were pointless. The past was already set in stone, but to ponder over such events were these two men’s weakness.
No, not exactly that either.
“...Not as Clan Head, but as your older brother, I cannot tell you that things will go smoothly if you go alone. Come back safely, don’t try to be brave.”
In response to this remark, Zaryusu replied with a haughty smile:
“Of course I will complete this mission with perfection for you to see. This task is nothing to me.”