3. Discrete wavelet transform
Wavelet transform uses small and finite oscillating signals called wavelets as its basis function for representing a signal. Conventional Fourier series representation gives the information of frequency components present in a periodic signal. It is extended to
nonperiodic signals using Fourier Transform (FT). One of the limitations of FT is its inability to provide frequency information over a period of time. In other way Time–Frequency analysis of signal using FT gives frequency information for the entire duration of the signal. A simple solution to overcome the limitations is to apply FT
within a limited time interval which is less than the signal duration. Then the time window is shifted and frequency components are obtained as such using FT. This process is repeated till the window covers the entire signal. The frequency components are then
added to get the entire frequency domain picture. This is the principal idea behind Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). One important step is the selection of optimum timewindow which can get complete time–frequency information.