Yeasts are unicellular organisms that reproduce by budding. Their microscopic and morphological features usually appear
similar for different genera and are not particularly helpful in their isolation in pure culture. Glucose Yeast Peptone Agar
is formulated as described by Subba Rao (1) with a slight modification in agar concentration for isolating yeasts from soil
specimens. This is a highly nutritious medium, which may be used not only for isolating yeasts but also for isolating some
fastidious microorganisms. Yeasts grow well on a minimal medium containing only dextrose and salts. The addition of protein
and yeast cell extract hydrolysates allows faster growth so that during exponential or log-phase growth, doubling time of 90
minutes is observed (2).
Peptic digest of animal tissue provides nitrogenous nutrients especially the amino acids and peptides and yeast extract supply
vitamin B complex. Dextrose is the readily available source of energy and a good carbohydrate source for yeasts