The Board sought comments from stakeholders on the appropriateness of the framework’s key priorities and the programs discussed in the Draft DSM Guidelines.
It was noted by a number of parties that the Board’s guidance with respect to low-income program offerings should be updated to reflect the most recent low-income working group eligibility criteria and program elements, including offering the program to the private rental market. The Board has updated the DSM Guidelines to ensure that the gas utilities develop consistent program details that will be used by both the gas utilities and the electricity distributors.
The Board specifically requested stakeholders to comment on whether the low-income budget remained appropriate. All stakeholders agreed that the DSM budget for low-income programs should not be reduced from its current levels. Most parties supported the continued expansion of low-income offerings to allow a greater number of participants in the program.
The Board also requested that parties comment on the appropriateness of the gas utilities continuing to offer programs to their large volume customers. Both Enbridge and Union noted that these customers continue to participate in their large volume program offerings and that they value the service provided by the gas utility. They recommended that the Board continue to allow the gas utilities to propose programs for large volume customers and that they be approved on their merits. Most other stakeholders generally agreed that programs for large volume customers should not be mandatory, but that the gas utilities be allowed to propose programs for these customers that are approved on their merits.