The subject is worthy of attention because internal
auditors are important, even crucial, in an economy that
relies upon independently produced information (Van
Peursem 2005). Indeed, internal auditing has become an indispensable
management tool for achieving effective control in both
public and private organisations (Eden and Moriah
1996). Control mechanisms are those processes set up
to monitor and to direct, promote or restrain the
various activities of an enterprise for the purpose of
seeing that enterprise objectives are met (Sawyer 1988;
Coram, Ferguson and Moroney 2008). By detecting
weaknesses in management operations, internal auditing provides a
basis for correcting deficiencies that have eluded the
first line of defence before these deficiencies become
uncontrollable or are exposed in the external auditor’s
report (Eden and Moriah 1996). As an example, Coram
et al. (2008) found in a sample of 324 Australian and
New Zealand organisations that those with an internal
audit function are more likely to detect and self-report
fraud through misappropriation of assets than thosewho
do not.
The subject is worthy of attention because internalauditors are important, even crucial, in an economy thatrelies upon independently produced information (VanPeursem 2005). Indeed, internal auditing has become an indispensablemanagement tool for achieving effective control in bothpublic and private organisations (Eden and Moriah1996). Control mechanisms are those processes set upto monitor and to direct, promote or restrain thevarious activities of an enterprise for the purpose ofseeing that enterprise objectives are met (Sawyer 1988;Coram, Ferguson and Moroney 2008). By detectingweaknesses in management operations, internal auditing provides abasis for correcting deficiencies that have eluded thefirst line of defence before these deficiencies becomeuncontrollable or are exposed in the external auditor’sreport (Eden and Moriah 1996). As an example, Coramet al. (2008) found in a sample of 324 Australian andNew Zealand organisations that those with an internalaudit function are more likely to detect and self-reportfraud through misappropriation of assets than thosewhodo not.
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