There are several types of differences between IFRSs and U.S. GAAP.
A. Definition differences. Differences in definitions can occur even though concepts are similar. Definition differences can lead to differences in recognition and/or measurement.
B. Recognition differences. Differences in recognition criteria and/or guidance related to (a) whether an item is recognized, (b) how it is recognized, and/or (c) when it is recognized (timing difference).
C. Measurement differences. Differences in approach for determining the amount recognized resulting from either (a) a difference in the method required, or (b) a difference in the detailed guidance for applying a similar method.
D. Alternatives. One set of standards allows a choice between two or more alternative methods; the other set of standards requires one specific method to be used.
E. Lack of requirements or guidance. IFRSs do not cover an issue addressed by U.S. GAAP, and vice versa.
F. Presentation differences. Differences in the presentation of items in the financial statements.
G. Disclosure differences. Differences in information presented in the notes to financial statements related to (a) whether a disclosure is required and/or (b) the manner in which a disclosure is required to be made.