Fatty acid analysis
Fatty acids were extracted from the mushroom powder as per Soxhlet method [9]. Extracted fatty acid samples were
esterified and later FAMEs were diluted (40 ml FAME sample + 960 ml n-hexane) in the sample vial. Methyl
esterified sample (1μL) was injected to the chromatograph (GC-2010, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) by an auto injector
(AOC-20i, Shimadzu) and capillary column (BPX 70, SGE Analytical Science, Austin, TX). The Flame Ionization
Detector (Shimadzu) was used for the detection of each elutant. The conditions set for analysis were as per protocol
of Nareshkumar [10]. The split injection mode was used (split ratio 1:50)(conditions: terminal temperature was
225ºC; nitrogen and air were carrier gases; pressure was set to 114.9 k Pa; total flow was maintained at 68.9 ml/min;
and column initial temperature was 100ºC with temperature increase rate of 5ºC/min).