Again, there are a huge number of superstitions that surround these two simple daily activities. And they’re also very common in most households. According to some beliefs, one must not cut one’s nails on a Saturday or Tuesday. It is also bad luck to wash one’s hair on a Saturday or a Thursday. I remember my own Grandmother scolding me for washing my hair on Saturdays (it is really such a convenient day for washing hair). Moreover, one must not cut one’s nails after sunset. The origin of this belief could be that in sweeping away the cut nails in the darkness, one could inadvertently sweep away small valuables because of poor visibility (Not sweeping after dark is also a superstition in India) One almost funny superstition associated with washing hair is that a student must never wash his/her hair before an exam. Doing so will ensure that everything the student has learned will be washed away. I’m sure, however, that many students will actually refrain from doing the same after reading this, just to be on the safer side.