Optical Correction with Spectacle Lenses
Single vision lenses. The use of spectacles containing single vision lenses is an appropriate option for some patients with
presbyopia. Typical candidates for this treatment are patients with emmetropia, patients with a low degree of ametropia (who do not require distance correction), and patients with uncorrected myopia whose uncorrected vision meets their near task needs (who may either remove their glasses for near tasks or use "reverse half-eye" glasses). Some patients who experience significant difficulty using multifocal lenses may prefer to use separate pairs of glasses for seeing at distance and near.
Single vision spectacles with the near correction provide a wide field of view unmatched by any other form of spectacle correction for presbyopia, but they cause blurring of distance vision. The distance blur should be demonstrated to the patient before prescribing single vision spectacles to use at near only. One option for patients without significant refractive error is traditional half-eye spectacles that allow them to look over the near vision lens and view distant objects clearly.